#PLEASE NOTE:  This file represents my impression of how Jonatha Brooke
plays this song from listening to the track on the Grace In Gravity CD.  
You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.  
Please email me <marian@aon.at> if you have a different impression 
of how it should be played. # 

Created:  2001-02-24

And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief As Photos
Words & Music by Jonatha Brooke

Transcribed by:  Marian <marian@aon.at>

Tuning:  BF#BF#BE

VG-8 pitches:  0 0 -1 -3 -3 -5   (highest to lowest strings)

+ + + + + + + + 

I have only given the basic patterns.

+ + + + + + + + 

Intro and 1st part of each verse:


+ + + + + + + +

000042     550500    770700       990900
Do you re- member           baseball at twilight

000042     550500    770700
tucking me in at night      why does that 

990900  10 10 0 10 00    220200
picture always           fade?    Daddy was




220200       770700
I wonder if  someday

             you will

10 10 10 10 00
recall a clear 

face    and our

222200     999900     222200     999900
faces                        my  heart brief as

10 10 10 090     555040      10 10 10 090      555040

....  etc.

© 1991 Dog Dream Music, ASCAP