#PLEASE NOTE:  This file represents my impression of how Jonatha Brooke
plays this song from listening to the track on The Angel In The House CD.  
You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.  
Please email me <marian@aon.at> if you have a different impression 
of how it should be played. # 

Created:  2001-02-24

Words & Music by Jonatha Brooke

Transcribed by:  Marian <marian@aon.at>

Tuning:  BbFDFBbD

VG-8 pitches:  -2 -1 -2 0 -4 -6   (highest to lowest strings)

+ + + + + + + + 


The fret positions are in relation to the capo.

I have only given the basic patterns.

+ + + + + + + + 


0000 12 12    0000 11 10

0000 12 12    0000 11 10    000777

0000 12 12    0000 11 10

0000 12 12    0000 11 10    000777

0000 12 12    0000 11 10

0000 12 12    0000 11 10    000777
it's May and blossoms nineteen-fifty-

seven   single but 

000978    000777     000978    000777    000978    000777
bold             I see you, belle of the ball and hometown sweetheart

gifted I

want to tell you sieze the day let someone else go tradition

take what's yours

No one else can tell your fire, paint with your words,
 sing with your voice

Take what's yours

000978    000777    000978    000777    000770
Amelia I see you all in white and lovely,

blinded by 

000978    000777     000978    000777
by love


000978    000777     000978    000777
and he, too, is beautiful

and blind

555500                                            008770
I want to tell you he's the wrong man you'll look back


You were told that this is what you want, but it will hurt

0000 12 12     0000 11 10     000078     000077
(you can't live for someone else)          but you live

000000    443000   555000   443000   555000
for me
for me
for me

000000    443000   555000   221000   443000   008770
for me

0000 12 12   0000 11 10    0000 12 12    0000 11 10    000777

© 1997 Dog Dream Music, ASCAP